Are You Leading with Confidence?

Where are you on your leadership journey? Are you you excelling in all four of the domains critical for successful leadership?

Take our quiz to fnd out.



Are you a high-achieving leader tired of playing small? Wolde you like to reinvent your leadership profile so you’re recognised and paid your worth?

Imagine building your personal brand, saying goodbye to relentless self-doubt and embracing your worthiness.

Let me help you clarify your value, vision and thought leadership so you can confidently present it to those who matter.

Take back control of your energy, time and agenda as a leader so you can achieve success and still have time to nurture you and your loved ones.

Join me to:

  • Access your Leadership Value Code and Vision Strategy so you have unshakeable confidence
  • Develop your personal brand so you can make your mark
  • Gain the skills to engage and influence so you can be paid your worth
  • Access energetic tools to quiet the self-doubt and make your leadership journey is more sustainable and fulfilling.


Are you a high achieving senior leader ready to make your mark in the next chapter of your career? Do you have a plan for your ‘legacy role’ – where your expertise and time are put to their highest and best use?

Would you like to unlock a new edge in your leadership performance – one that boosts your creativity, saves you time, and energizes you?

Are you ready to fine tune your thought leadership so you’re recognised in your field and can command your worth? Would you like to embody your authority and engage and influence on larger stages?

Join me to:

  • Create your Leadership Legacy Strategy so you can make your mark
  • Refresh your personal brand so you are recognised as an authority
  • Access the high stakes presentation training that raised $138million for my clients
  • Gain a new edge in your performance with advanced energetic tools that give you the creativity, energy and time you need.


Would you like to access a new edge in your leadership performance – an edge that delivers you more creativity, time and energy? Would you like to lead in a more sustainable, connected way?

If you’re a high achiever it’s likely you’re a powerhouse for everyone else but rarely take time out for you.

Sometimes, amidst the busyness we can lose connection with what’s most important to us and our vision for our next chapter.

The truth is – our performance improves when we take time out to gain new insights, reflect on how we’re leading and self-care. The clarity, focus & vision can be profound.

Join me on on retreat in Bali to:

  • Reconnect with your purpose and what’s most important to you
  • Reset your expectations of yourself Discover how to create more space and time in your busy schedule
  • Gain access to your innate power and energy so you are more creative, strategic and relaxed in your expertise

Feeling Stuck?

If you’re here it’s likely your ready to go to the next level in your leadership journey.You’re already a high-achieving leader – with masses of commitment and heartsomehow you’re stuck. Maybe:

    • You want to make the next chapter of your career count – time is ticking. You want to create impact and feel fulfilled but aren’t sure how. You need a plan to bring it to life 
    • You’re stuck in the overwhelm of imposter syndrome -constantly second-guessing yourself and over-working 
    • You’re ready for that next promotion or opportunity but you aren’t moving forward with it
  • You want to access a new, more authentic edge in your leadership performance  – the old ways no longer work 
  • You are ready to build your personal brand and thought leadership so you can create impact
  • You want to take your presentation skills to the next level – so you can engage and influence others and speak on larger stage
  • You want more time, energy and space as a leader. You want to excel and get back into the driver’s seat of your own life.
  • You want to lead with authenticity and create a high-performing team culture that’s successful and kind
  • You’re leading transformational change that demands a new level of presence and authority so you can take your team, clients and colleagues on the journey 


      We need more women leaders like you!

      If we’re going to address the challenges of our world  we need more powerful women leaders like you.

      The research shows that women in leadership positions increase profits, makes companies kinder and reduces risk.

      I also know women leaders are looking for a different, more sustainable way to lead. The old way no longer works.

      If I was to share with you that there was a different way … a way to

      • Step into your true personal power as a leader
      • Create a new story for your leadership journey where you’re in the driver’s seat and have more time and energy at the end of the day
      • Tell your story confidently
      • Be seen and heard by the people who matter most
      • Deal with imposter syndrome
      • Create a personal brand and thought leadership position that helps you create impact
      • Slay the self-doubt demons that keep you stuck
      • Make your mark and leave your legacy

      … would you be interested?

      Let Me Help You Go to the Next Level

      If you’re looking to elevate your leadership – or are tired of feeling stuck where you are – you’ve come to the right place.

      I’m a leadership coach, personal brand strategist and speaker coach who helps women leaders like you uplevel your confidence, authority and value so you can be recognised & paid your worth.

      I’ve coached Board chairs, CEOs and senior leaders in business, academia and government through to women leaders in online start-up. The common thread? The desire to cut through and create impact.

      The results? I’ve helped some of my clients raise more than $138million in funding and prepared others to speak at the United Nations and globally significant events including COP28.

      My approach? In these times of change, I believe it’s vital for women leaders to lead differently by tapping into all of the intelligence available to us – so we show up confidently, authentically and strategically.

      The old ways are no longer working.

      I help women like you lead in a new way – a way that recognises your brilliance and reconnects you to your innate power, purpose and voice – so you can achieve what matters most to you.

      As a result, I’ve created a new leadership methodology that covers four domains to help you step into your full confidence and power as a leader. This draws on more than 25 years’ experience in corporate consulting and business, training more than 1000 leaders to be better communicators, cutting edge science and ancient spiritual traditions including yoga and sound healing.

      I can work with you 1:1, in group coaching programs or in bespoke workshops and retreats. To connect with me click the button below.

      AS SEEN ON:

      We’re at a turning point


      Happy Clients

      Jen is a fantastic coach. She has helped me to find my inner power and a strong energetic connection to my self worth. She has helped me to shift my perception of self from victim to a self-empowered woman. 
      She’s the most aligned coach I have ever known – consistently helping me see exactly what’s going on in my inner world. She has an amazing ability to see the truth. Each session has left me feeling uplifted and empowered.”
      Christina, California

      Before working with Jen, I was in limbo over what direction to take in my business. I had a desire to totally change direction but just didn’t have the courage to do it on my own. Through Jen’s coaching I was able to make the decision confidently. Once the decision was made Jen helped me piece it all together. It wasn’t until I took the courage to actually invest in working with Jen that I was able to progress in my business.  If you’re serious about making a difference in the world then you owe it to yourself and your business to invest in coaching with Jen.

      Sandra, Brisbane

      Working with Jen has given me clarity, confidence, and assurance in building my business – all from the perspective of the soul. I’m now clear about what I need to do and why. No more wasted time or effort, or going around in circles. Personally, Jen gives me the confidence to keep moving and going if I’m feeling unsure. She believes in me, and what I’m doing. I feel completely supported. She definitely wants the best for me, and my business. Her support and recommendations always come from a beautiful space of understanding so my aspirations are aligned.

      Lisa, Melbourne

      Jen is a phenomenal teacher and gets results straightway because of her profound belief that we can do it. What set apart was the way Jen helped me reach back to my values, dreams, and aspirations to create my offer. I love the ongoing support via Facebook and mentoring and of course the other fabulous women in the group.

      Luisa Sunshine Coast

      Jen helped me work on an issue I had been struggling with for years. Magically, with the ‘right’ questions Jen asked and the practice she guided me to do, I had a real breakthrough on that issue and it has been having a huge impact on my consulting service and my life.

      I’m full of gratitude and I recommend Jen’s service with my whole heart!

      Lin, New Zealand