by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, business success, marketing, online business
Have you ever been in a large crowd at a concert with friends and tried to get their attention so you could go closer to the stage? With all of the noise from the crowd and the band, it was tough huh? Even though you’re close friends it can be hard to be heard through all of the noise and activity. Well, it can be the same with your offer. Maybe you have a great offer and are passionate about bettering your customer’s lives – but sometimes they don’t respond amidst all of the other noise in the marketplace? Unless your call to action is clear and compelling enough it can be hard for them to focus on you.
by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, mindset
#2 of our 5 Simple Strategies to Build the Business and Lifestyle You Dream Of
If you are anything like me you see creating your own business as one of the keys to really living your life’s purpose and creating the financial success and the lifestyle you desire. Your business is your stepping stone to helping others transform their lives.
But sometimes the pathway to success is not always clear. This post covers the second of five strategies in our series designed to help you live on purpose and build the business and lifestyle you dream of. (more…)
by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, mindset
Five simple strategies to build the business you dream of
Have you checked on your progress lately? As entrepreneurs, who are also looking after families and running a home, it’s easy to get up in the whirlwind of ‘busyness’ that comes from running your own business but still not achieve your financial goals or targets. Everyone wants a piece of you and there is precious little time in the day to get everything done!
What if you were to step aside for a moment and look at where you are at? And I mean – really look at where you are really at? Are you on the way to achieving your financial goals for this quarter? Have you got the number of clients you need? How is your lead generation system working for you? Are you converting your leads into sales? (more…)