Let’s work together!


I can help you if you’re purpose-driven and are ready to:

  • Step into your true personal power
  • Create a new story for your life where you are truly in the driver’s seat achieving your deepest desires
  • Slay the self-doubt demons that keep you stuck
  • Create a story and brand for your business that resonates with those who need to hear it most
  • Tell your story confidently and without fear
  • Be seen and heard by the people who matter most

When you work with me you will get clear on your purpose, power, and path. You can learn more about my special offerings here.

How do I work with You?

I do things a little differently than the mainstream… because I go way back to the beginning. I start with YOU first – I help you connect your inner “yes” (your purpose, passion, and genius) to your outer “yes” – what you do in your life and business.

We’ll help you get unstuck by dealing with any self-doubt, overthinking or anxious thoughts so you can get on with what is most important to you.

Once we’re clear on your inner yes we go on a journey to clarify your unique offering to the world and express that offering in a way that resonates deeply with you and those that matter most to you.

When you work with me you’ll feel aligned, integrated and clear on your path. Your passion and your genius will be combined with a straightforward strategy so you can enjoy the self-worth, lifestyle, and freedom you seek.

What led me here?

I’m a life and business strategist and frequency meditation teacher with a strong belief that your personal frequency and vibration and daily habits will change everything in your life.

In business I’ve advised clients ranging from start ups through to household brands.  During my career I’ve created and launched brands, trained hundreds of people to be better communicators, managed some sticky media issues, repositioned large corporations and even helped one of my dear client’s source donor eggs so she could start her family (that’s one of my proudest achievements).

Life isn’t all cupcakes and unicorns and I’ve taken myself on my own journey of alignment – dealing with underlying anxiety that made life pretty difficult at times. Having come out the other side of that I’m committed to helping people deal with their self-doubt and stuckness so they can take action on their dreams.  I’m a master results coach and qualified in NLP and hypnosis and a student of metaphysics and consciousness.

My mission to create a movement of loving, smart, action-takers – conscious, creative people and entrepreneurs who say yes to themselves and their path – be it in life or business.  When we do this we’ll create a more positive, happier and healthier planet. That’s what moves me more than anything – together we can create a shift and change that will make all the difference now and into the future.

Some of the fine (fun!) print

If you were to ask me what matters most to me in life to me it’s all about:

  • Love, connection and community – connecting with those I love the most in a personal and a business sense is a must have in my life!
  • Freedom – being free to truly express who I am and live the life I desire
  • Passion – waking up every morning feeling excited about my day ahead and what it might hold in store
  • Vitality – feeling healthy and vital literally lights me up – a little meditation and exercise everyday certainly keeps the doctor away
  • Gratitude – this is my source of energy and happiness and it has turned my life around
  • Growth – I’m a life long learner and I feel so privileged to be able to keep on learning and growing.