Are you a busy woman concerned about burnout – exhausted by juggling the multiple demands on your energy from work, family, and your community? Do you feel like you’re on the hamster wheel of life? If so join me for this episode where I share three steps to step off the hamster wheel so you can relax, re-energise and reconnect with yourself. I also share why, from a neuroscience perspective, it is so hard for so many of us to say no … even when we know we should.

Why Are So Many Busy, Accomplished Women Showing Burn Out Signs?

I’m not sure about you but in so many conversations I’m having with women they are sharing with me that they don’t have a space to truly relax and regroup – and may have even forgotten how.

They are often:

  • Dealing with a demanding job or business
  • Looking after children
  • Caring for elderly parents
  • In transition – either in their relationship, with hormones and health, or facing the reality of aging.

These are the things no one talks about.

So often we women are caregivers that have very little time for ourselves

Ironically we can also have a frustrating desire to make an impact in the world, but no energy to do it

It feels like being on the hamster wheel and can be a vicious cycle of overwhelm, exhaustion, and lack of self-care.

How To Get Off The Burn Out Hamster Wheel Once And For All

So many women I speak to know the hamster wheel is no longer serving them but don’t know how to get off. The solution is actually easier than we think – but it means giving ourselves permission to do three very important things

  1. Plan time out – away from others, the phone, and emails
  2. Choose you – first – rather than the multiple tasks demanding your attention 
  3. Access your innate wisdom – to go inside and find the answers rather than looking outside to others

When we do this we allow ourselves to feel more peaceful, relaxed, and clear about what’s most important to us.

Would You Like A Shortcut To Dealing With Burnout?

If you feel you may be experiencing burnout signs and would really like a shortcut to getting off the hamster wheel – and you’d love more energy, time, and clarity  – then join me at the retreat I’m holding in Bali in September with my friend and co-host Alissa Nathaniel..

Called “Reconnect” – our retreat will give you the take-home tools to revolutionise your relationship with yourself, your loved ones, and your life.  The result: more energy, flow, fun, and happiness every day. 

Burn Out Signs Emerging? How to Get Off the Hamster Wheel

Importantly our retreat is for women who want to reduce the significant stress in their life  – without burning their whole life down.  To learn more about our retreat visit

Over To You

As ever on this podcast it’s now time for me to hand this over to you I hope you might have found some resonance with what I’ve shared with you today and I would love to hear your comments on the blog or Instagram @jenramseyfreedom. You can also email me at I’d really love to hear how this episode resonated with you. I’d also love to know what else you would like to hear me talk about on the podcast. I want to be sure it meets your needs. So I’m sending you lots of love until we speak again.

Jen xo

Let’s Connect:




Instagram: @jenramseyfreedom

