New year resolutions … we all love to make them but how many of us actually stick to them? How can we make new year resolutions easy and doable – so that in 12 months we can look back and say wow I did something really important for me.
I can’t believe it but here we are again in December! It feels like 2021 has raced by. It has been another “interesting year” – so many great things have happened and so many difficult things have happened for many of us personally, and globally, as the pandemic continues its process of teaching us. So what does 2022 hold in store for us – and how can we influence that by setting new year resolutions that mean something to us and that we’ll actually follow through on?
If I take anything from 2021 though it’s the importance of keeping focused on what’s working in my life rather than what’s not. I lost my amazing and beautiful father this year and while he’s left an enormous gap I know he lives on. I also felt incredibly blessed by the support I received when he passed.
So as we enter December I’ve started thinking about my New Years resolutions for 2022.
As part of this I wanted to share a few thoughts on how can we make new year resolutions more easily? Why? So that we can stick to them and have a feeling of progress by the end of 2022.
Five Tips to Make New Year Resolutions You Will Keep
So here are my 5 tips on how to make new year resolutions much more easily and how to make new year resolutions we can actually follow through on.
1. Take The Pressure Off – Set New Year Intentions Not New Year Resolutions
New Year Resolutions can, by their very nature, feel inflexible – and from previous experience can seem hard to achieve.
What if there was another way to achieve the same outcome?

That is where setting intentions come in. Setting an intention is a powerful tool – as an intention by its nature allows far more flexibility and scope compared to a focused resolution. An intention opens us up to the potential for things beyond our imagination to float into our lives.
If you want to hear more about the difference between an intention and a resolution click the link here.
2. Set One or Two New Year Resolutions (or Intentions) Rather than a Huge List
We’re all living incredibly busy lives so why do we fall into the trap of setting a lot of intentions that will pile another 10 things on our daily to-do list?
I’ve learnt there is so much power in focusing one or two things at a time. When we do this we can integrate these new habits so much more easily into our lives … and we get these things done!!
In 2020 I fulfilled a long-held dream to study yoga. In 2021 I started studying sound therapy. Doing just one of those things a year was more than enough along with everything else going on in my life with my family, my business and my community.
3. Create New Year Resolutions (Intentions) From a Place of Love Rather Than Fear
Where is the inspiration for your resolutions coming from?

So many of us create resolutions because we think there’s something wrong with us – that there’s something that’s not right and has to be fixed.
For example, if we just lost that weight, or if we just learnt that new skill, or if we stopped doing XYZ then everything would be great.
So this year why not set your new year resolutions from a place of thinking that you’re already enough, that you are already great and you already have what you need on board?
Any resolution coming from this place of love will be immediately more inspiring, more exciting, easier to do and more likely to get done!
4. Create the Space to Create What YOU Want
My next tip is to create the space to be still and quiet so you can tap into understanding what’s most important to YOU.
Instead of thinking about what others might want, what’s important to them or what you might do that could improve your relationship with them – why not focus on what’s most important to you?
What is something that you would really love to pursue this year that’s important to you and could be just for you? What would bring you joy and fun … and be for no-one else but you!
That was where sound healing started for me this year … but since I’ve started – first my family (there is alot of men in my family and I thought they would not be interested at all), then friends and then women at my live events love it!! Who would have thought? All because I thought I gave something that interested me a go.
5. Engage Your Higher Self / Spirit / The Divine / God
If, like me, you believe we are not alone in the process of living this experience called life – then Step #5 is about engaging the greater “all that is” in the process. You may call this your Higher Self / Infinite Self / Spirit / The Divine / God – whatever works for you.
While I work with my Divine Essence every day I feel the turn of the year is a really powerful time to reach in and connect with our Higher Selves as we consider the year ahead. There is such support available to us if we just ask!!!

To do this is very simple – just:
- Take your journal
- Create a quiet space – turn off the phone and let others know you are busy
- Light a candle
- Close your eyes
- Calm your body by taking a couple of minutes to take some meditative breaths
- Feel the stillness and ask your Higher Self / Divine Essence one or a few of these questions:
“Can you help me open my mind to the possibilities of this coming year?”
“Share with me what is possible for me in 2022?”
“Share with me what you see as the best and highest use of my time in 2022.”
“What is most important for me in 2022?”
Then note any ideas that float into your mind … or allow your pen to write a response to you.”
This is called automatic journaling and it is a powerful doorway that can connect us to our Higher Selves. I do it most days of the week and I teach my clients to do the same. It is such a powerful tool that is so easy to do.
Over To You
As ever now on this podcast, it’s over to you.
I’d love you to see how you go with these ideas and let me know in the comments to the blog. I’d also love to wish you the most incredible Christmas and holiday season with lots of relaxation and connection.
I’m also sending you love for an amazing 2022. Once you’ve used these tips please share with me your resolutions and what you’ve got in store for 22.
And before I go please take a moment to rate and review this podcast. Every rating helps more people find us here.
Until we speak again take great care and lots of love
Jen xo
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