by Jen | Blog, Freedom, gratitude, Jen Ramsey, mindset, personal power

A low-fuss, low-stress approach to setting new years’ resolutions that matter most to you and that actually work.
How to set new years resolutions that work is a question I’m regularly asked by clients frustrated they haven’t followed through. This year I’m using a new approach that is much more likely to lead to success. Why? Because it reduces the constriction and expectations surrounding typical new years’ resolutions.
by Jen | Freedom, gratitude, Jen Ramsey, mindset, personal power, Self-love
Christmas blues is definitely a thing – in the US around 14,800 people/month search this term in the last part of the year. So if you’re feeling a bit down about Christmas you are not alone. For people experiencing grief, loss, loneliness or financial hardship Christmas can be difficult. Even if you’re not experiencing these things it can be hard.
by Jen | Freedom, mindset, personal power, Self-love

How to love yourself … probably the most powerful question we could ever ask ourselves … and for many of us the hardest to answer. It was for me … and for many of the people I work with. You see as a perfectionist with anxious tendencies I’d turned self-criticism into an art form. The journey to loving myself has been a long road – too long in fact – and so to save you some time and trouble here is what I found worked best.
by Jen | business, business success, Jen Ramsey, marketing, mindset, online business, personal power, selling

Are you as successful as you want to be in your life or business? For many, the answer is I have some success, but more would be great. That’s because there’s probably more you would like to do – maybe it’s helping more people, building your business so you can serve more people or maybe you have a personal goal you’d like to achieve that you can never quite get around to starting.
So the question is why? Why aren’t we more successful – when we are so focused on achieving the next level of success? When we hold these dreams and goals why are we still not getting to where we want to go? (more…)
by Jen | business, business success, gratitude, marketing, meditation, mindset, online business, personal power

Success – it’s a really potent concept that can polarise us – even subconsciously. On the surface, we can say that we want to be successful … but sometimes there can be subconscious beliefs that hold us back. Thoughts like … “will people still love/like me if I’m successful?” … “Successful people can’t find balance elsewhere in their lives” … “A successful business or career means my family loses….” So what does this mean for us?
by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, business, Jen Ramsey, mindset, online business
Knowing how to create online courses is a little like granting your business a superpower. Why? Because online course creation is a powerful way to help your business fly by helping you to leverage your time, help more people and scale your business and make more money. It can really take your business to the next level. To discover more about why online courses are such powerful business boosters, and to look at the options available to you read on.