Six mindset tips to reframe and regroup for 2017
How are you handling the rough spots that come with being in business? If you are anything like me – you handle them some days MUCH better than others! But those down days – boy they can be tough!
The good (though somewhat paradoxical) news, is that we learn the most in the tough times and we become better entrepreneurs, better leaders and all round better people when we go through them! This is where we find the true gold in ourselves!
Most of the time I feel like my business is my very own personal development workshop. In fact, I’ve realised building and running my own business, is a powerful personal transformation tool.
What does that mean exactly? It means I’m learning new things about myself EVERY day, I am stretching myself in new directions. I’m excited a lot of the time and I am scared some of the time. Everything that I am learning is pushing me! It’s pushing me beyond my comfort zone and (it feels like) to the extreme limits of my capacity with things like technology, finance, creativity and my ability to hustle! It means I’m fully immersed in the process of becoming the next best version of myself!
And because I’ve pushed myself beyond my comfort zone I’m a much better person and I’m a much better business owner. My logic and my problem-solving ability are now at least 100 times better than they were 12 months ago. I’m a faster and better decision-maker and I am much more productive … but I had to go through the process to discover these nuggets of gold!
Once I realised that hitting the rough spots was a major growth opportunity I felt much better … and even a little excited! It’s been a great way to reframe my experience and focus on what is working.
I’m sharing this because I wanted you to know you are not alone – even in those times when it seems difficult when it seems that there are not easy answers, and when there seem to be many more struggles than good moments – you are not alone. There are other people that are walking the same path as you and that have felt exactly what you are feeling right now – whether it be jubilation or frustration (or any feeling in between).
This post aims to give you some tips for when the going gets tough and to help you realise the benefit of pushing through the tough times. Here are some mindset tips to help you realise the gold you are uncovering in yourself and your business – when you go outside your comfort zone:
1. Recognise difficult moments will come – AND they will go!
I know we all want the good times and the happy times (believe me – I’m the one who has traditionally loved the fairy tale endings) but actually the times when I have had the struggle is when I have learnt so much more.
The good news is that while difficult times come – they will also go!
When you feel the anger or frustration arise – if you can for one second step aside from it and recognise the difficult moment for what it is – observe it and let it be there – then the frustration, the angst will move through you so much more quickly.
2. Remove the pressure for perfection
If you are anything like me – you can feel frustrated when you don’t meet the deadline you have set for yourself. I have learnt to stop having a meltdown when I cannot get the technology to work for me, and I’m learning to take the pressure off myself to get it ALL done TODAY!
The truth is there are about three major things we can achieve in any one day. I find if I allow myself to focus on only those three things – my level of satisfaction with myself goes through the roof – and it gives me the space to deal with the set-backs that inevitably arise.
3. Take a break and do something you enjoy
If it is all feeling too much, then take the pressure off and give yourself some time out. Do something that helps you get back to centre. Take a short break from your desk to do something you enjoy. Maybe it’s making a cup of tea, doing some breathing exercises, a short meditation or looking out at a pleasant view. For me, I love yoga so I do a few yoga stretches and deep breathing exercises or, if I’m working from home, I go outside and throw a ball for my gorgeous pup Lucy to chase!
If you have been working extremely hard, you might need to take a longer break and get some rest. Sleep is the most restorative thing I can do for myself, and it’s my ‘go-to’ when all else fails. I always wake up in the morning with a new perspective and approach.
4. Congratulate yourself for taking action
While today things may not have turned out the way you wanted, remember you still took some action toward your goals. While you may not have achieved your target for your sales or list-building – you will tomorrow, or the next day because you took some action today. It may not have turned out exactly the way you wanted it to – but you took action! Every action you take is taking you closer to your goal – because you are learning in every moment!
5. Remember you are transforming yourself and the people around you!
The work you are doing means you are transforming yourself, and your life, and the lives of people around you for the better. If you are working on something that is truly, truly your passion and your calling then you are in the right place.
And the tough times can be the most transformative. If you are feeling though that your work is not making your heart sing – there might be some adjustment you need to make; a decision to pivot your business or your product offering in some way. My husband often says to me – it is not where you begin but it is where you end up. If you need to make a change – that is ok. I made a major decision today on some technical back end support for my business that, while it will cause some short-term pain, will create longer term success for my business.
6. Take a note of the insights and skills you have gained on your journey so far
A powerful tool to realise how far you have come is to write down what you have learnt and what insights you have gained as a result of running your business. Every Friday I do a brief check-in on my achievements for the week and what I have learnt! I take this list into my mastermind session to help guide my updates. This simple tool only takes five minutes and I find it really helps me to look back at this list when I am not feeling so chirpy about things!
By now you should be feeling quite a bit better and able to go back to deal with whatever has arisen for you in your business. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve after this little mindset check-in!
If you have any tips or techniques for managing the tough times in business, I would love to hear them. Please share in the comments box below.
If you feel you would like any coaching or support for building a business that lights you up from the inside and makes your heart sing please feel free to email me at – I would love to help you.
If you are ready to increase your YES rate and build a business that you love and manifest the life of your dreams .
Also, if you have a friend or colleague who might enjoy this post – and you want to share the love – please share it.
Jen xo