In this episode we meet Matt Cone who spent a couple of decades as a tech exec bringing banks to the online world, and helping wealthy families develop philanthropic practices. He lived life by the American ‘playbook’ with a nice family, homes and travel. This changed in 2010, and he has spent the last decade travelling new cultures and exploring consciousness on an inward journey. He now blends his business experience with consciousness practice to help entrepreneurs to build conscious businesses through the new benefit corporation structure, called B-Corps.
In this episode we discuss:
- What happened when Matt was unexpectedly “relieved of his duties” living the American playbook in 2010
- Matt’s exploration of consciousness via meditation and the Vipassana meditation retreat model
- The power and value of surrender to what is in the journey of life – especially useful when travelling with a large group in Asia
- Matt’s unique financial Abundance Model which pays dividends by turning a lack mindset into an abundance mindset
- How Matt melded his love of paragliding with conscious business to create a business that makes a major impact in Nepal and, as well as with his guests
- How travel opens the mind to new experiences and ways of living
- The evolution of capitalism and business in the 21st century with the new B-Corporation model and the rise of conscious capitalism
- The importance of self-worth in living a truly abundant life
- How the stories you tell yourself will define your experience.
To connect with Matt visit: karmaventures.org
To watch the episode on Youtube click the image below:
About Your Host:
How to be happy and feel more confident to live a truly free and unlimited life – that’s what I’m all about. My name is Jen Ramsey and I’m a mindset and empowerment coach who’ll help you get unstuck and take action on what matters most.
If you’re ready to show up for you authentically. drop your baggage, raise your vibe, feel more confident and create a clear roadmap for your life, business or career then I can help you. Just contact me via this website!
If you’d like to feel more calm and grounded right now click here to get access to my Choose Calm Meditation & 5 Step Guide To Choosing Peace and Calm: www.jenramsey.com/calm
Let’s connect:
Email: hello@jenramsey.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenramseyfreedom/
Instagram: @jenramseyyes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jen_J_Ramsey
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh6ICeTAMgNGfbJdBR67a3g