by Jen | business, business success, Jen Ramsey, marketing, mindset, online business, personal power, selling
Are you as successful as you want to be in your life or business? For many, the answer is I have some success, but more would be great. That’s because there’s probably more you would like to do – maybe it’s helping more people, building your business so you can serve more people or maybe you have a personal goal you’d like to achieve that you can never quite get around to starting.
So the question is why? Why aren’t we more successful – when we are so focused on achieving the next level of success? When we hold these dreams and goals why are we still not getting to where we want to go? (more…)
by Jen | business, business success, Jen Ramsey, marketing, mindset, online business, personal power, selling
If you’re a purpose-driven entrepreneur you know running your own business is about alot more than the numbers – with the highs and lows that come with business it’s the biggest personal development workshop you’ll ever experience. So my question is what’s your relationship with your business? Do you have a business plan? Do you love it or are you feeling a little out of control or maybe even stale? Are you achieving what you set out to achieve personally, financially and for your audience? Or are you feeling grumpy, frustrated or dissatisfied with your ‘other half’?
by Jen | mindset
Six mindset tips to reframe and regroup for 2017
How are you handling the rough spots that come with being in business? If you are anything like me – you handle them some days MUCH better than others! But those down days – boy they can be tough!
The good (though somewhat paradoxical) news, is that we learn the most in the tough times and we become better entrepreneurs, better leaders and all round better people when we go through them! This is where we find the true gold in ourselves! (more…)
by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, mindset, personal power
Are you developing a new product or are you just starting out in business – and not sure what your audience wants or is looking for? Maybe you are wanting to take your business online or wanting to build a list. Either way, understanding what your audience wants and needs is vital if you are going to create an irresistible offer for them! One great way to learn is to go offline and meet people at networking events and ask them!
You may be asking – “I don’t have a list so how can I meet people I don’t even know?” (more…)