Are you Sabotaging your Success

Are you Sabotaging your Success

Are you as successful as you want to be in your life or business? For many, the answer is I have some success, but more would be great. That’s because there’s probably more you would like to do – maybe it’s helping more people, building your business so you can serve more people or maybe you have a personal goal you’d like to achieve that you can never quite get around to starting.

So the question is why? Why aren’t we more successful – when we are so focused on achieving the next level of success? When we hold these dreams and goals why are we still not getting to where we want to go? (more…)

How Telling Your Story Can Boost Your Offer

How Telling Your Story Can Boost Your Offer

5 Tips to help you tell your story

There is an old saying that: ‘people buy from people they know, like and trust’ and that is absolutely true.

To help create an irresistible offer for your audience so you can build your list and make more sales, you need to share some of yourself with your customers. (more…)

How To Build Your Online Audience: 3 Must-Ask Questions Before You Start

How To Build Your Online Audience: 3 Must-Ask Questions Before You Start

how to build your audience

Knowing how to build your online audience is critical to your business. Why? You must have an engaged audience so when it comes to selling your next service, coaching, program or event you’ll have a community of people who’ll buy from you. But before you jump into the latest “how-to” Facebook or Insta strategies take a minute to look more deeply. A lot of the “how-to” guides leave out some vital “must-ask” questions if you want to be successful in building an online audience that will buy from you.

Time for a “Relationship” Check-Up? Are You Running Your Business or is it Running You?

Time for a “Relationship” Check-Up? Are You Running Your Business or is it Running You?

If you’re a purpose-driven entrepreneur you know running your own business is about alot more than the numbers – with the highs and lows that come with business it’s the biggest personal development workshop you’ll ever experience. So my question is what’s your relationship with your business? Do you have a business plan? Do you love it or are you feeling a little out of control or maybe even stale? Are you achieving what you set out to achieve personally, financially and for your audience? Or are you feeling grumpy, frustrated or dissatisfied with your ‘other half’?


Is Your Call to Action Compelling Enough?

Is Your Call to Action Compelling Enough?

Have you ever been in a large crowd at a concert with friends and tried to get their attention so you could go closer to the stage? With all of the noise from the crowd and the band, it was tough huh? Even though you’re close friends it can be hard to be heard through all of the noise and activity. Well, it can be the same with your offer. Maybe you have a great offer and are passionate about bettering your customer’s lives – but sometimes they don’t respond amidst all of the other noise in the marketplace? Unless your call to action is clear and compelling enough it can be hard for them to focus on you.
