by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, business success, marketing, online business
Have you ever been in a large crowd at a concert with friends and tried to get their attention so you could go closer to the stage? With all of the noise from the crowd and the band, it was tough huh? Even though you’re close friends it can be hard to be heard through all of the noise and activity. Well, it can be the same with your offer. Maybe you have a great offer and are passionate about bettering your customer’s lives – but sometimes they don’t respond amidst all of the other noise in the marketplace? Unless your call to action is clear and compelling enough it can be hard for them to focus on you.
by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, business success, marketing, meditation, mindset, online business
Have you ever had a coffee with a friend who wanted to talk about themselves … constantly… and never once asked you anything about you? It was all about them right? Frustrating and a turn-off? Did you feel like catching up again or did the thought of it turn you off … and overtime did the friendship drift apart?
Well the same principle applies with marketing – although this time the shoe could be on the other foot.
by Jen | business, business success, Jen Ramsey, marketing, mindset, online business, personal power
Have you ever been to a networking event, or on a discovery call with a prospective client, and you wished the floor would open up and swallow you? I know I have and it all came down to how I handled the first 8 seconds of the interaction.
“8 seconds?” I hear you say … “Is that all?”
Yes! We only have 8 seconds to make an impression on someone! Research tells us that within the first seconds of meeting someone new our brains make significant decisions about that person’s character. In a flash, we evaluate a person’s trustworthiness, credibility, confidence and overall likeability. (more…)
by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, business success, marketing, mindset
It’s happened to all of us – that blank screen with the cursor blinking in a very lonely way back and forth at us. Nothing is coming out and the longer the screen is blank the worse it gets. It’s called many things but mostly we know it as writer’s block, or in the case of building a successful online business, I call it “blogger’s block”. When you are building a business and a brand you need to have great content to draw people to you. Writer’s block can be a killer to your business if you don’t manage it! On the other hand, great content that supports your offer will help you shine even more brightly with your prospective customers. (more…)
by Jen | gratitude, mindset
I had a big realisation last week about myself and my attitude to my business that made sense of my last couple of months. You see I’d been off colour for a while – not enough to rest in bed – but just unwell enough to feel extremely tired and pretty average as I went about things. Then when I thought things should be better, they got worse. About two weeks ago I was hit by waves of vertigo that were pretty un-nerving and, at one point, dangerous. Well, if nothing else the vertigo made me STOP, look at what I was doing and finally seek some health advice. (more…)