32: How to Meditate for Beginners – Part Two: Seven Steps to Create a Practice You’ll Love

32: How to Meditate for Beginners – Part Two: Seven Steps to Create a Practice You’ll Love

Meditation for beginners.  How do you meditate and where do you start? With the benefits of meditation becoming more and more clear this is one habit that is worth getting off the ground. But if you’re a busy person where on earth do you start and what meditation methods work? And how do you get past some of the common roadblocks to a great practice?

There is a lot to cover here so today’s episode is the second of a two-part series on meditation for beginners. 

31:How to Meditate for Beginners: Busting 6 Common Meditation Myths & Roadblocks – Part One

31:How to Meditate for Beginners: Busting 6 Common Meditation Myths & Roadblocks – Part One

How to meditate for beginners?  How do you meditate and where do you start? We keep hearing about the benefits of meditation – from boosting creativity and productivity to improving blood pressure and connecting with yourself – but if you’re a busy person where on earth do you start and what meditation methods actually work? How do you get around the common roadblocks to meditation and create a practice that works?

28: The Neuroscience of Meditation and How to Exercise Your Brain for Peak Performance with Dr. Andrew Newberg

28: The Neuroscience of Meditation and How to Exercise Your Brain for Peak Performance with Dr. Andrew Newberg

he Neuroscience of Meditation and How to Exercise Your Brain for Peak Performance with Dr Andrew Newberg

The neuroscience of meditation, the potential for personal enlightenment, positive social change, and the new science of neurotheology are the focus of our interview this week with cutting-edge neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg, Director of Research at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health and a physician at Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. If you’ve ever wondered why meditation works and what the benefits of meditation are – listen in!

How to Meditate During Coronavirus Lockdown

How to Meditate During Coronavirus Lockdown

how to meditate during coronavirus lockdown

Does meditation work and can it help to meditate during coronavirus lockdown? Yes! With the coronavirus causing wholesale change to everything – it’s vital to make sure we’re coping with the stress so we can show up for ourselves and our loved ones. Meditation is one of the best ways to cope with stress and the ‘fear storm’ created by COVID-19.
