How to smash your networking nerves to learn more about your audience

How to smash your networking nerves to learn more about your audience

Are you developing a new product or are you just starting out in business –  and not sure what your audience wants or is looking for? Maybe you are wanting to take your business online or wanting to build a list. Either way, understanding what your audience wants and needs is vital if you are going to create an irresistible offer for them! One great way to learn is to go offline and meet people at networking events and ask them!

You may be asking – “I don’t have a list so how can I meet people I don’t even know?” (more…)

How Gratitude Turned My World Around

How Gratitude Turned My World Around

I had a big realisation last week about myself and my attitude to my business that made sense of my last couple of months. You see I’d been off colour for a while – not enough to rest in bed  – but just unwell enough to feel extremely tired and pretty average as I went about things. Then when I thought things should be better, they got worse. About two weeks ago I was hit by waves of vertigo that were pretty un-nerving and, at one point, dangerous. Well, if nothing else the vertigo made me STOP,  look at what I was doing and finally seek some health advice. (more…)