by Jen | brand building

5 Tips to help you tell your story
There is an old saying that: ‘people buy from people they know, like and trust’ and that is absolutely true.
To help create an irresistible offer for your audience so you can build your list and make more sales, you need to share some of yourself with your customers. (more…)
by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, business success, marketing, online business

Have you ever been in a large crowd at a concert with friends and tried to get their attention so you could go closer to the stage? With all of the noise from the crowd and the band, it was tough huh? Even though you’re close friends it can be hard to be heard through all of the noise and activity. Well, it can be the same with your offer. Maybe you have a great offer and are passionate about bettering your customer’s lives – but sometimes they don’t respond amidst all of the other noise in the marketplace? Unless your call to action is clear and compelling enough it can be hard for them to focus on you.
by Jen | Audience Love, brand building, business success, marketing, meditation, mindset, online business

Have you ever had a coffee with a friend who wanted to talk about themselves … constantly… and never once asked you anything about you? It was all about them right? Frustrating and a turn-off? Did you feel like catching up again or did the thought of it turn you off … and overtime did the friendship drift apart?
Well the same principle applies with marketing – although this time the shoe could be on the other foot.
by Jen | business success, marketing, mindset, online business, personal power

New Year, new you right? For us inspired entrepreneurs our new year means a new set of business goals and some great opportunities to learn more about ourselves as we focus on achieving our goals.
Whether we like to admit it or not the first few weeks of the year cause us to reflect on the year gone by. For some of us that might mean we haven’t come bounding into the year feeling uplifted and certain about where our business is heading. (more…)
by Jen | business success, marketing, mindset, online business, personal power

Building and running a successful business for us purpose-driven entrepreneurs is like the most incredible self-development workshop we’ll ever experience. It has all the highs and lows of the most powerful Tony Robbins workshop – all in your own personal space – 24/7.
The problem with being a conscious entrepreneur is that you don’t always have the support of others as you do in a Robbins’ workshop. When it’s you, your laptop and the four walls of your office it can get lonely, and you can start thinking or doing some crazy things that can lead your business down the wrong path. (more…)